
  1. Mandy Onderwater

    What Happens When You Grow Corn in Winter?

    What have you grown outside of season, and how did that go?
  2. Mandy Onderwater

    How to Grow Ginger From STORE Bought Ginger in Containers

    Oh wow! What are your experiences in growing ginger - have you started it from store bought too? What else have you grown that was store bought?
  3. Mandy Onderwater

    Question A garden guide [Help requested]

    Good day all, hope we have all been having a good time! I have a question. I've been contemplating making a beginner guide for gardeners. Or perhaps even a tips & tricks to gardening article thread. It will all be here available on the forum for anyone to read, and to be directed to when they...
  4. Mandy Onderwater

    DON'T Pay $12 DOLLARS for a Head of Lettuce!

    Another reason to be motivated to be more self sufficient. The lettuce could be leafy gold at these prices! Here are luckily some handy tips towards growing lettuce. What are your plans this year to adjust to the high living costs?
  5. Mandy Onderwater

    I Have a Confession to Make. It Was ALL About the MONEY

    Why did Mark start to be more self sufficient? Here's some insights to Mark's experiences, life choices and family. Lets.... get into it!
  6. Mandy Onderwater

    What Happened to Our Raised Bed Garden in Pouring Rain?

    Another interesting video, this time about how the rain has affected his garden. What plants died and what plants thrived?
  7. Mandy Onderwater

    Does String Trimmer Damage Birdies Garden Beds?

    Do string trimmers, or as we Aussies know it whipper snipper, damage Birdies garden beds?
  8. Mandy Onderwater

    OVERGROWN Veggie Garden Makeover | What Do I Find?

    Oh wow! That really did look very overgrown! Have you ever had your garden overgrown like this, and how did you combat it?
  9. Mandy Onderwater

    Got Some New Favourite Fruit Trees in the Mail | What Where Why?

    What do you think? Have you ever ordered/grown trees before and how did you go? I have just bought a small lemonade tree after getting inspired. What are your plans in the upcoming seasons?
  10. Mandy Onderwater

    5 TIPS For BEGINNER Food Gardeners to Grow Veggies at Home

    Are you a beginner gardener? Or perhaps even an experienced one that wants the refresher? In this video Mark gives us his top 5 tips for growing veggies at home.
  11. Mandy Onderwater

    I Grew "GIANT" Eggplants From eBay To See How Big They Really Would Grow

    What are your experienced from buying seeds online? And would you give this a shot?
  12. Mandy Onderwater

    Quick Easy Way to Protect Garden Bed From Animals Digging Up Plants

    How do you protect your garden from animals?
  13. Mandy Onderwater

    How I Prepare 3 Raised Garden Beds for Planting Vegetables

  14. .welcome to my Backyard Homestead

    .welcome to my Backyard Homestead

    Hi I’m Lena and this is my garden
  15. Vincent Marracino


    Hello!!!!!! My name is Vince I live in Zanesville Ohio, USA. Since 2010 I've been growing little gardens where I could and in 2017 my wife and I bought our first house. That year I used the side of my house as a small garden which was awesome. The following year I built a raised garden bed and...
  16. J

    Hi from Childers,Queensland

    My name is Julie. I am just over 50 & am a Mum of 4. I have 2 Rottweiler girls, 2 boy Cats & just under 100 Heritage Breed Chooks. I breed the chooks & incubate their eggs. I hatch around 300 chicks each Spring & sell them. I love to garden. I grow flowers, herbs, fruits & vegetables. I also...
  17. allen c

    Soil Vs Hydroponic Watermelons and Cucumbers!

    Hey there! Has anybody else done comparisons of soil grown vs hydroponic grown watermelons and cucumbers? I decided to give it a try this summer in my backyard using "Passive Hydroponics" for these thirsty foods. I've also made a video on how it is going as of 6 weeks into the project. If you...
  18. Mark

    Vegetable garden tour subtropical climate

    Here's a tour of my vegetable garden allotment :)
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