
  1. Mandy Onderwater

    5 Easiest Ways to Start a Food Garden From Cheapest to Dearest

    Mark has been growing food for coming on 2 decades. It meant the difference between surviving or going under. In this video Mark will show us 5 of the easiest ways to start a food garden. Starting from the cheapest to the dearest. 1 - In ground Tilling up a piece of dirt and sewing seeds into...
  2. Mandy Onderwater

    Recommend The Prong

    The prong is an innovative gardening tool. This varsitile tool can help in many ways, from digging weeds, tree stumps, rocks and much more. It's designed to be ergonomic, lessening strain on any gardener and in attempt to help save your back long-term. It's built strong; durable and reliable...
  3. Mandy Onderwater

    Growing Potatoes from OLD Supermarket Potatoes 🥔

    Whilst many people say "don't grow supermarket potatoes", Mark is here to prove them all wrong. About 5 months ago Mark sowed a bunch of old supermarket potatoes that had turned green. He planted them both halved and whole. He gave the raised bed organic fertiliser and some rock dust, and...
  4. Mandy Onderwater

    Digging Purple Yam & a FINAL Farewell to the PRONG Garden Tools

    In this video Mark shows off his trusty old 'fork', which has seen it's use and has bent prongs. And the reason why it's bent, is because he didn't have this trusty prong tool. He reckons there would've been no way the purple yams would've budged with his normal garden fork. We start the video...
  5. Mandy Onderwater

    4 Acre UK Food Garden TOUR + TIPS: A Self-Sufficient INSPIRATION!

    Mark takes us on a beautiful tour around Liz Zorab's food garden in the UK's Welsh countryside. During the tour you will see the many things she does to stay self sufficient, from keeping sheep to growing a garden. 🐑 She shows how she keeps the rabbits out of the gardens, using a fence. And...
  6. Mandy Onderwater

    What Happened to our Food Garden After 4 WEEKS on Vacation?

    Mark has returned from his holiday trekking through Europe, visiting countries like the UK, Spain and Portugal. He's now home, feeling refreshed and inspired. Mark and his family visited markets, ate lots of food, participated in the Tomatina festival in Spain and much more. Sampling the foods...
  7. Mandy Onderwater

    EASY to Grow GOOD for You & the WHOLE Fruit is Edible!

    Have you ever heard of the pomelo before, or maybe even grown it? What did you think of the taste? Let us know down below :D Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon:
  8. Mandy Onderwater

    Garden Showoff 3

    Click here for "Rainy garden show-off 1" (02/09/2022) Click here for "Rainy Garden Showoff 2" (19/12/22) We've had a horribly busy time since my last showoff. There's been a lot happening in life and my garden has taken a backburner. However, I'm trying to get back into it. I'm working on my...
  9. Mandy Onderwater

    The EASIEST Pumpkin to Grow for ALL Climates

    What is your favourite pumpkin to grow? And what is your best recipe? Let us know down below! Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon: (the top tier $25 AU enables...
  10. Mandy Onderwater

    Full Raised Bed Vegetable Garden Tour August 2024

    In this video Mark shows off his full garden tour for the month of August. What does your garden look like? Post below, or start a thread to showcase your own garden. Give us a tour :D Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support...
  11. Mandy Onderwater

    How to Grow a THRIVING Food Garden Surrounded by BIG TREES

    Intuition and experience goes well past the so called set-in-stone garden rules. Anyone can garden, and whilst certain locations might have their own challenges, nothing is impossible. Have you ran into any challenges? How did you combat them? Or if you still need help, reach out! We are happy...
  12. Mandy Onderwater

    I Got SCAMMED! Exposing Fake Food Plants & Seeds Sold Online

    Sadly there are many scammers around. People will often try to make money from basically nothing. In this video Mark talks about some of his own experiences with scammers, and talks about the research he has done. And also how even that can backfire at times. What are your experiences? And who...
  13. Mandy Onderwater

    What Happens When You Bury Logs & Bug Shells in a Raised Garden Bed?

    As shown, the logs have decomposed beautifully over the years. The remaining sticks and wooden bits show how they act as a sponge, holding on to moisture. It shows the improvements it's done to the soil over the years. Added tip: Your bed may experience some sinkage over the years as the wood...
  14. Mandy Onderwater

    Veggie Garden DISASTER | I Can’t Keep Growing Like This!

    Is that a garden, or is it a bog? Mark's son Luke has done an amazing job tidying and mulching the yard up, allowing Mark to show us what he's doing in the garden. Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon...
  15. Mandy Onderwater

    What Happens to Bales of Straw/Cane if You Just Leave Them?

    Why do you think the different colours of broken down straw meant? Let us know down below! Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon: (the top tier $25 AU enables...
  16. Mandy Onderwater

    10 UNSTOPPABLE Edible Plants That THRIVE in Harsh Conditions!

    After a harsh Summer, Mark shows us his top fruits and vegetables that will thrive through the extremely hot and wet weather. Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon:
  17. Mandy Onderwater

    No Garden NEEDED, Grow MICRO Tomatoes in Your KITCHEN!

    What are your favourite species of tomato to grow? And have you ever grown such a small tomato plant variety? Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon: (the top tier...
  18. Mandy Onderwater

    How LONG to Break Down WOODCHIP in a Tumbler Composter?

    What an informative video! How long does your compost take to break down? Is it faster than Mark's 18 months? Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon: (the top tier...
  19. Mandy Onderwater

    Space Saving EASY Climb Trellis || Cucumber & Asparagus Pea

    What is your go-to trellis design? And did this video inspire you to build your own trellis as well? Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon: (the top tier $25 AU...
  20. Mandy Onderwater

    The inspiring story behind famed gardener @Selfsufficientme | My Garden Path | Gardening Australia

    Mark and his family were featured on ABC TV last Friday.
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