raised beds

  1. Mandy Onderwater

    5 Easiest Ways to Start a Food Garden From Cheapest to Dearest

    Mark has been growing food for coming on 2 decades. It meant the difference between surviving or going under. In this video Mark will show us 5 of the easiest ways to start a food garden. Starting from the cheapest to the dearest. 1 - In ground Tilling up a piece of dirt and sewing seeds into...
  2. Mandy Onderwater

    The NEXT GENERATION of Raised Garden Beds is HERE

    How exciting! A brand new generation of raised Birdies beds. Raised Garden Beds: Go here to get Birdies Raised Garden Beds in the USA: https://lets.growepic.co/self-suffici... for a 5% discount, or use SSME2020 at checkout. In Australia, go to https://birdiesgardenproducts.com.au/ and use Code...
  3. Mandy Onderwater

    54 Raised Veggie Garden Beds Walk Around Tour

    How about an extra long video showcasing all of Mark's raised garden beds in the main veggie patch? Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/selfsufficientme (the top tier $25 AU...
  4. Mandy Onderwater

    DON'T Grow BANANA Plants Until You WATCH THIS!

    Such amazing additions to Mark's garden. New garden beds, and new bananas. I bet we are all very excited to see these new Birdies beds in action :D Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon...
  5. D

    Question Bulk soil

    Hi all, I’ve just brought 4 raised garden beds. The first two I installed I got some premium soil from a landscape supplier, and it turned out to be quite acidic and full of stones. Where’s is the best place to buy bulk soil from, I’ll need about 2 cubic meters, or what should I look for when...
  6. Mandy Onderwater

    Don't Make This BIG MISTAKE With Your DIY Raised Garden Bed

    Oh my, there sure were some obvious problems going on! Thankfully Mark learned from it, and is sharing this knowledge with us. What are your tips for building raised beds? Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on...
  7. Mandy Onderwater

    Planting a Fruit Tree on TOP of an Old STUMP!

    Welcome back Mark - looks like he has been busy! Very exciting information and I'm sure we would all love to see what that stump will look like a couple years from now. Hopefully all incorporated into the soil. And for those of us that made it to the end... I bet we are all excited to see more...
  8. Mandy Onderwater

    How to FIX and STOP a Raised Garden Bed From Caving Inwards

    Top tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/selfsufficientme (the top tier $25 AU enables mentoring from Mark via an exclusive VIP email where he will answer your questions etc ASAP).
  9. Mandy Onderwater

    I Have a Confession to Make. It Was ALL About the MONEY

    Why did Mark start to be more self sufficient? Here's some insights to Mark's experiences, life choices and family. Lets.... get into it!
  10. Mandy Onderwater

    What Happened to Our Raised Bed Garden in Pouring Rain?

    Another interesting video, this time about how the rain has affected his garden. What plants died and what plants thrived?
  11. GreenThumbsUp

    Question What's the new additions to the garden does everyone have?

    Hi everyone around Australia and around the world!!! I'm interested in how people around Australia and around the world what interesting plants and rare plants they have added newly to their garden recently, maybe even projects that is coming along the way. Maybe even drop a few gardening tips...
  12. Ben North

    Hi From Melbourne

    Hi All, Ben here. Just started setting up some raised beds us I g the Hugelkulture approach. Im wondering if anyone has tried using cardboard as a fill media. I thought it would be great to use the boxes my raised beds came in.
  13. K

    Any good soil suppliers - Parramatta

    Hey everyone, Like a lot of other folks must be doing during C19 lockdown, I'm taking the opportunity to finally build our raised garden bed. As per Mark's videos I'm filling up the bottom with old wood and stumps as well as shredded newspaper that I have a lot of and other general natural...
  14. JoshW

    My raised bed adventure - Hugelkultur inspired

    With the arrival of my 2nd child last Tuesday, I've got some time to get some jobs ticked off. I needed to repair a cracked pipe and put in a retaining wall to stop my yard flooding during the heavy winter rains but my local council won't let me put it close enough to the fence without approval...
  15. Lucas

    First of the 3 Re purposed water tank beds almost done

    The first of 3 beds made from a reclaimed water tank is almost ready I’ve filled it with spent hay, mushroom compost and composted green waste, which I sieved the component out of it that had turned to soil Green waste mulch was gotten from the next councils tip and has been sitting there 12-18...
  16. Universalpuzzle

    Question Potager garden ideas

    For those who don’t know what a Potager Garden is.... “A potager is a French term for an ornamental vegetable or kitchen garden. The historical design precedent is from the Gardens of the French Renaissance and Baroque Garden à la française eras. Often flowers (edible and non-edible) and herbs...
  17. D

    Clay Soil...

    Hello Mark and Everyone! I started watching your videos to gain more information about container gardens and raised bed gardening. I live in Charlotte, NC USA and our soil is a hard red clay and while it will grow trees, fruit and other varieties. our vegetable crops suffer from the poor soil...
  18. Mark

    Is woodchip good or bad for a vegetable garden bed?

    Up until now, I have never used woodchip as mulch in my vegetable garden beds because I have always heard woodchip can deplete the soil of nutrients (particularly nitrogen) and that's not a good thing when growing a food garden. However, something deep down in my instinctive gut kept nagging...
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