21 Days Eating Only What We Can Grow

watched the last video...

Nina was awesome...

Got the fermented tomatoes recipe up yet?
G'Day Mark.

Just finished watching the last installment of the "21 Days" series and I take my hat off to you for staying on track for those three weeks. Not easy by the sound of it but a great learning experience for you and Nina. :twothumbsup:

When watching the series of vids of what you were eating, I noticed no mushrooms. A damn healthy and versatile veg which you can grow in the shed...well that's if you like mushrooms.

Was also thinking with your pond / damn down the back you could maybe put some fresh water jabbies / marron in there with a small submerged aerator to keep the o2 level up and maybe a line from the bore to top up the pond from time to time..just a thought but would add to the choice of foods available from your patch and lets be frank...jabbies and marron taste great on the BBQ...

Hope you enjoyed that first steak and ale post completing the journey.
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Another thing to add is that when Mark mentioned missing fats like omega-3, I read something a while back that said fish don't produce omega-3 themselves, but rather it accumulates in their bodies from the plants they eat. So in theory if you include lots of plants that are high in omega-3 in your meals, it might allow you to go for longer between meals of fish. As an added bonus, it seems like it's often edible weeds that are rich in things like this, so it may not take a huge amount of effort to do.

Also @Geo Mark has done a number of videos on how to pickle and ferment things, I think in this case he was expecting the fermented tomatoes to not taste the best and was pleasantly surprised when they came out well. I can't say I blame him, I've had mixed success with fermenting tomatoes but I have never tried with garlic before so I'll certainly be giving it a go hopefully once Mark puts his recipe up!
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Absolutely loved this series, makes you rethink what's important to grow and preserve. Thanks for doing the hard work for us to show us this fascinating journey.

I will be preserving a significant amount more tomatoes after watching this series. I'm very curious to try the fermented tomatoes you spoke of.
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Hi Mark,

I know this is too late for the experiment and all - but I watched a video today that I thought had a very interesting idea in it that made me think of a small problem you had during the experiment.

In these two 10 minute videos the presenter is talking about parched corn and the role it played in being a survivalist food in the 17-1800's. One of the comments he makes is that the corn was very easy to grind or pound to a kind of flour after parching and that the taste was also different and didn't require any seasoning when used. He also made a kind of cornbread similar to what you made using only the ground corn and water.

Anyway - it was the grinding part that made me think of you as I know how hard it is to grind corn (I do it on a junior wonder mill for the chooks).


PS: My hat off to you for making the 21 days - and I hope you REALLY enjoyed that steak.
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