
  1. Mandy Onderwater

    Garden Showoff 3

    Click here for "Rainy garden show-off 1" (02/09/2022) Click here for "Rainy Garden Showoff 2" (19/12/22) We've had a horribly busy time since my last showoff. There's been a lot happening in life and my garden has taken a backburner. However, I'm trying to get back into it. I'm working on my...
  2. Mandy Onderwater

    I'm Leaving...

    Did this video give you as big a fright as it did us? We look forward to what the future would bring. What are you looking forward to most? Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon...
  3. Mandy Onderwater

    Full Raised Bed Vegetable Garden Tour August 2024

    In this video Mark shows off his full garden tour for the month of August. What does your garden look like? Post below, or start a thread to showcase your own garden. Give us a tour :D Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support...
  4. Mandy Onderwater

    How to Grow a THRIVING Food Garden Surrounded by BIG TREES

    Intuition and experience goes well past the so called set-in-stone garden rules. Anyone can garden, and whilst certain locations might have their own challenges, nothing is impossible. Have you ran into any challenges? How did you combat them? Or if you still need help, reach out! We are happy...
  5. Mandy Onderwater

    54 Raised Veggie Garden Beds Walk Around Tour

    How about an extra long video showcasing all of Mark's raised garden beds in the main veggie patch? Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon: (the top tier $25 AU...
  6. Mandy Onderwater

    Got Some New Favourite Fruit Trees in the Mail | What Where Why?

    What do you think? Have you ever ordered/grown trees before and how did you go? I have just bought a small lemonade tree after getting inspired. What are your plans in the upcoming seasons?
  7. G

    Recommend Tradewinds South Coast Online Nursery

    Hey Guys, I was searching for new indoor plant and rare tropical fruit trees that grow well in Australia. I found this website called Tradewinds South Coast. I contacted the owner who was easy to deal with. They have heaps of different fruit trees like chocolate pudding fruit, ice cream bean...
  8. William Welch

    Howdy from Texas

    Hello everyone, glad to be here! I live in central Texas on a post oak savannah, at the southern end of the blackland prairie. I'm a beekeeper, and bee removal and relocation specialist. Hoping to add a small orchard, and would appreciate any suggestions on types of trees to plant Thanks in advance.
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