
  1. Mandy Onderwater

    NO FUSS Onion Growing for BIG Harvests in Just ONE Raised Bed

    In this video Mark shows us how he has grown a bed full of onions, starting in June. In growing them, he tried to break every rule in the book. He didn't space them, thin them, or weed them! He used an "Early Australian Brown" around the outside, and a "Spanish White Onion" in the centre oval...
  2. Mandy Onderwater

    How to TOP UP Your Raised Garden Bed WITHOUT Using Soil

    In this wonderful video, Mark gives us some TOP TIPS on how to fill your raised garden bed WITHOUT SOIL. Listed below are some of the things he used. Leftover pottingmix Use your leftover pottingmix over and over again by using it to top up your raised garden bed. WIth some added nutrients you...
  3. Mandy Onderwater

    Growing Potatoes from OLD Supermarket Potatoes 🥔

    Whilst many people say "don't grow supermarket potatoes", Mark is here to prove them all wrong. About 5 months ago Mark sowed a bunch of old supermarket potatoes that had turned green. He planted them both halved and whole. He gave the raised bed organic fertiliser and some rock dust, and...
  4. Mandy Onderwater

    Digging Purple Yam & a FINAL Farewell to the PRONG Garden Tools

    In this video Mark shows off his trusty old 'fork', which has seen it's use and has bent prongs. And the reason why it's bent, is because he didn't have this trusty prong tool. He reckons there would've been no way the purple yams would've budged with his normal garden fork. We start the video...
  5. Mandy Onderwater

    Don't Make This ONE Mistake When Growing Garlic

    Garlic is a food staple in many cultures. It adds flavour, aroma and nutritional value to any dish, and can be eaten both raw and cooked. On top of that, garlic also has medicinal properties, including; anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, activates the immune system, cardiovascular health, liver...
  6. Mandy Onderwater

    4 Acre UK Food Garden TOUR + TIPS: A Self-Sufficient INSPIRATION!

    Mark takes us on a beautiful tour around Liz Zorab's food garden in the UK's Welsh countryside. During the tour you will see the many things she does to stay self sufficient, from keeping sheep to growing a garden. 🐑 She shows how she keeps the rabbits out of the gardens, using a fence. And...
  7. Mandy Onderwater

    EASY to Grow GOOD for You & the WHOLE Fruit is Edible!

    Have you ever heard of the pomelo before, or maybe even grown it? What did you think of the taste? Let us know down below :D Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon:
  8. Mandy Onderwater

    The EASIEST Pumpkin to Grow for ALL Climates

    What is your favourite pumpkin to grow? And what is your best recipe? Let us know down below! Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon: (the top tier $25 AU enables...
  9. lincoln_park_farm

    Fruit tree for greenhouse

    Hi everyone, I am building a greenhouse and it's big enough to house a couple of trees, I was just wondering being in a Heat Zone 6 and Cold Zone 9b climate, what would you put in there, or what would do well? I have my heart set on a coffee tree and possibly avocado. We can get down to -4C...
  10. Mandy Onderwater

    How to Grow a THRIVING Food Garden Surrounded by BIG TREES

    Intuition and experience goes well past the so called set-in-stone garden rules. Anyone can garden, and whilst certain locations might have their own challenges, nothing is impossible. Have you ran into any challenges? How did you combat them? Or if you still need help, reach out! We are happy...
  11. Mandy Onderwater

    How to Grow a TON of Sugarcane & Why It's GOOD For You

    Have you grown sugarcane, or even tried it before? What were your experiences? Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon: (the top tier $25 AU enables mentoring from...
  12. Mandy Onderwater

    What Happens to Bales of Straw/Cane if You Just Leave Them?

    Why do you think the different colours of broken down straw meant? Let us know down below! Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon: (the top tier $25 AU enables...
  13. Mandy Onderwater

    My Wife's Favorite Jam is this FAMOUS Award-Winning Recipe!

    A delicious looking award-winning rosella jam. Looks so good, we might make it ourselves! Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon: (the top tier $25 AU enables...
  14. Mandy Onderwater

    Growing PEAS Without LEAVES or TRELLIS Experiment

    What are your thoughts on these unique peas? Have you heard of them before? Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon: (the top tier $25 AU enables mentoring from Mark...
  15. Mandy Onderwater

    What Happens if You SURFACE LAY Potatoes Instead of BURY?

    Closely following Mark's previous video on growing tiny potatoes, he now shows us what happens if you don't dig in the potatoes. He simply protected the potatoes by layering with mulch.
  16. Mandy Onderwater

    DON'T Grow BANANA Plants Until You WATCH THIS!

    Such amazing additions to Mark's garden. New garden beds, and new bananas. I bet we are all very excited to see these new Birdies beds in action :D Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon...
  17. Mandy Onderwater

    Tip Re-use and recycle

    What are your (recent) reuse or recycle projects? I'll go first! We had these old metal bins with the bottoms rusted out. I took a hammer to whack out the rust and flatten the edges, turned the bins upside-down (for better fit in my case, though upright would've looked awesome too), and out...
  18. Mandy Onderwater

    How to Grow Ginger From STORE Bought Ginger in Containers

    Oh wow! What are your experiences in growing ginger - have you started it from store bought too? What else have you grown that was store bought?
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