
  1. Mandy Onderwater

    How to TOP UP Your Raised Garden Bed WITHOUT Using Soil

    In this wonderful video, Mark gives us some TOP TIPS on how to fill your raised garden bed WITHOUT SOIL. Listed below are some of the things he used. Leftover pottingmix Use your leftover pottingmix over and over again by using it to top up your raised garden bed. WIth some added nutrients you...
  2. Mandy Onderwater

    Growing Potatoes from OLD Supermarket Potatoes 🥔

    Whilst many people say "don't grow supermarket potatoes", Mark is here to prove them all wrong. About 5 months ago Mark sowed a bunch of old supermarket potatoes that had turned green. He planted them both halved and whole. He gave the raised bed organic fertiliser and some rock dust, and...
  3. Mandy Onderwater

    Don't Make This ONE Mistake When Growing Garlic

    Garlic is a food staple in many cultures. It adds flavour, aroma and nutritional value to any dish, and can be eaten both raw and cooked. On top of that, garlic also has medicinal properties, including; anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, activates the immune system, cardiovascular health, liver...
  4. Mandy Onderwater

    54 Raised Veggie Garden Beds Walk Around Tour

    How about an extra long video showcasing all of Mark's raised garden beds in the main veggie patch? Handy tip! Want to talk to Mark directly? Did you know that there is another way, outside the forum? Support Mark on Patreon: (the top tier $25 AU...
  5. RnR

    Radish seeds

    I grew radishes for the first time this spring. I let a few plants bolt to collect seeds for the next season. They have flowered like mad and I have seed pods everywhere. All this is great except I'm not sure when to collect them. I read in a few places to let them dry on the plant and then pick...
  6. Ash

    Growing from seed

    This may be a small matter to some of you well seasoned green thumbs, but I have had my first batch of successful seedlings grown from seed. Some have been packed for 2 years whilst I was not won with the seeds last year. How have others gone this spring?
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