
  1. Jacob Belmer

    Abusive quail.

    This is my first flock of quail. They are about 10 weeks old. We culled more roosters than we wanted to because of the damage they were causing to our hens. I wonder if trimming their beaks could reduce the injuries. I just can’t see how something so natural can be so traumatic. The English...
  2. Top 6 Reasons for Keeping a Rooster in Your Flock

    Chickens Top 6 Reasons for Keeping a Rooster in Your Flock

    Many people only ever hear of the disadvantages and problems a rooster can cause especially in an urban environment where loud noises like crowing can be a worry; but, there are several reasons why keeping a rooster is a good idea if local council laws in your area permit. 1. Protection -...
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