
  1. Mandy Onderwater

    Kitchen and Butler's Walk-in Pantry Renovation VLOG 4

    Another great update on how the renovations are going. In this video Mark is sharing his struggles and progress, both in- and outside. Mark also offers an explanation on why he has been less active as of late. As much as we want him to come back as usual as soon as possible, we hope everyone...
  2. Mandy Onderwater

    Kitchen and Butler's Pantry Renovation VLOG 3

    Did you love Mark's shirt as much as we did? Come watch the video and see both Mark's progress and struggles during the renovation. Have you ever had struggles like this? What did you do to combat it?
  3. Mandy Onderwater

    Kitchen Butler's Pantry and Bar Renovation VLOG Two

    Update number 2 on the renovation. Mark shows us his onging renovations and walks us through his thought processes. He also shows off new locations and 'exuipment' he's bought and why. Self sufficiency means more than just growing your own food; it means being able to do things yourself. An...
  4. Mandy Onderwater

    Dream Kitchen Pantry VLOG One | The Start

    Don't forget Mark has a second channel! In this video he's continueing to show us how the renovation of his kitchen and pantry is going. Let's.... get into it! :thumbsup: *Now don't forget to check out PART TWO of the pantry renovation vlog*
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