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  1. Matthew Duke

    Question Fruit recommendations

    Good ideas, I was going to say to consider Cumquats, Pomegranates or Blueberries. Passionfruits would be lovely if you don't mind a vine :) Soil sounds good, with care you could grow all sorts of things.
  2. Matthew Duke

    Starting the journey..........

    Did you go for the chemically treated tan bark, or just normal mulch? Looks very neat and tidy, you should be proud of your efforts!
  3. Matthew Duke

    I've run out of room!

    Good luck, I think efficiency can be taken a little bit far myself, it's much simpler to expand. Lebensraum for my family! Can these "fruit salad" trees produce plantable seeds?
  4. Matthew Duke

    Peanut Tree

    For some reason I was under the impression that peanuts were from a bush of some kind. No - wait - just did a quick search and it turns out this is a tree nicknamed "peanut tree" despite having no relation to peanuts. I love the English language
  5. Matthew Duke

    Hello from sunny Victoria...wait, now it's, suns back

    Welcome Paul, down Warrnambool(?) way is a lovely area. I'm from the South-East myself, much less land to work as we're a bit more built up. I think I remember seeing something about espalier trees on Gardening Australia, looked like a lot of work, worth it?
  6. Matthew Duke

    Finally did Solar, one for our 2019 Bucket List

    Good luck! Let us know if you find that you've saved $$ overall despite the larger up front costs. What made you decide not to proceed with the batteries? To my knowledge, battery technology isn't great but the self-sufficiency of having one if the power cut out always appeals to me; I'm with...
  7. Matthew Duke

    Starting the journey..........

    Hey GKW, welcome to the community. Pretty helpful folks here from all walks of life and experience. Sure we can help you grow strawberries, but if you were in the market for a home-made bomb shelter we could advise too. Merry belated Christmas & a Happy New Year!
  8. Matthew Duke

    Wheelie bin composting toilet

    This is disgusting and practical, I love it. Keep up the great work Dave
  9. Matthew Duke

    Underground storage

    Hey mate, I reckon you really need to place size as the primary thing to consider, because there are options like the "root cellar" [LINK]. The size will affect how deep you go, structural supports, and to a certain extent water-proofing methods as well. I'd also put "concealment" on the agenda...
  10. Matthew Duke

    Garden visits

    Hopefully :)
  11. Matthew Duke

    Garden visits

    Just my two-cents, I think it'd be smart for Mark to not allow any tom, dick and harry onto his property as the "prepper" community can be a bit odd... not dangerous of course just odd. Once people have your address, your families privacy is "gone". In my opinion you'd need to vett people before...
  12. Matthew Duke

    Follow up to 'Gardening on Really Poor Soil'

    I've never thought of ants as a negative influence on an ecology, interesting info. Cheeky buggers
  13. Matthew Duke

    Processed one of our Roosters for my BD

    What do you guys think is the most humane way of putting them down prior to processing?
  14. Matthew Duke

    I've run out of room!

    It's amusing to think that you could walk to a plum tree and pick a grafted nashi pear (which are amazing btw). Do keep bees as well? (Welcome :) )
  15. Matthew Duke

    Newbie from North East Victoria

    Always nice to save money on these things, so long as the quality is the same. I've recently adopted a mentality of "if it's better quality for more, consider it an investment". RE the garden beds, I thought that they had to be open-bottomed to allow some drainage? Maybe the leak in yours is a...
  16. Matthew Duke

    Hatching Quail

    I'm curious to go through the whole process myself too, that's good to know that they incubate so quickly. Are you growing them for their eggs, to eat, or for company? :)
  17. Matthew Duke

    Hatching Quail

    Hey Owl, Might be stating the obvious so apologies if what you're asking isn't listed, but have you read the relevant breeding articles on the main selfsufficientme website? I can't post the text link yet unfortunately (anti-spam requirements lol) but under the "poultry" category you'll find...
  18. Matthew Duke

    Tip Veterans and +1 FREE entry to Australia Zoo

    Great idea, good luck organising the next one!
  19. Matthew Duke

    It'sa me - Mattio

    I'm still learning about all of this, and I tend to take it all with a grain of salt... but this is one of those topics where you know the truth because you get healthier crops, less diseases, and feel yourself getting happier. I suspect staying offline would contribute to being happier, but I...
  20. Matthew Duke

    It'sa me - Mattio

    Hey everyone, I'm from Melbourne, Australia, 28 y.o., male, and enjoy candle lit dinners and long romantic walks along the beach. The dream is to move out to a nice house on a few acres with a strong NBN connection, the missus, and 50 kids. As all aussies know, the NBN connection is even less...
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