Tomato Seedling Issues

Tomato Seedling Issues

New Batch is setup. I removed the moldy dirt replaced it with less wet dirt made sure it's not completely wet. Humidity is at 55% and temp 77F removed the dome so that it doesn't increase the humidity too high. I'll try to maintain a 50 to 60% humidity. How does it look? I also will increase the table so that's it 2" away from the light when the seedlings come out. What do you guys think?
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New Batch is setup. I removed the moldy dirt replaced it with less wet dirt made sure it's not completely wet. Humidity is at 55% and temp 77F removed the dome so that it doesn't increase the humidity too high. I'll try to maintain a 50 to 60% humidity. How does it look? I also will increase the table so that's it 2" away from the light when the seedlings come out. What do you guys think?
soil dampness looks much better, RH 55% is about spot on no higher then 65 to 70%. if on a heat mat let the temp come down a little 65 to 75 is a good germination point for temperatures day and 55 ot 65 at night. i like to shoot 65 to 70 constant as a heat level is i use a mat . you should see 3 to 5 days max for signs of seedling is you put seed in about like i do 1/8 to 1/4 deep at most for tomatoes
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