Most of the changes in my area involve things like growing slightly out of season, or providing a bit of light shade in the harsh heat of summer, etc; rather than choosing different plants. That being said, sometimes choice of plant isn't just about what will and won't grow in an area but also growing not enough or too much for the space available. I've chosen to go with dwarf fruit trees for the most part so I can have more trees and thus more variety in the same space as would be taken up by a few regular size trees. I like pumpkin but not enough to grow big ones, so I'm opting for experimenting with miniature varieties to find ones I like.
One thing life has taught me is that if we don't like a particular food, try cooking it in every different way (eg: a lot of people don't like silverbeet aka swiss chard because they try to cook it all together which results in either the stem being undercooked and yucky or the leaves being overcooked and yucky, but separating the green leafy bits from the stem and cooking them separately as different things makes a world of difference) or eating it in a different form (eg: can't get garlic to form a bulb? Pull it up when it's due for harvest and in the form of a garlic round which can be dried out and replanted next season to form a bulb, and if that doesn't work either, eat it as garlic greens instead.) If you don't like it raw, try it cooked, if you don't like it either way, maybe try it dehydrated, or as a jam, or pickled, or fermented.