Sterilock Airlock for fermentation of food


Staff member
May 27, 2012
Bellmere, QLD
Here's a new product for beer brewers and food fermenters to try called Sterilock. This small device is fitted to the top of any fermenting vessel just like a standard airlock to prevent air getting in whilst letting CO2 escape to relieve the pressure in the container whilst fermentation is taking place.

The apparent advantages of the Sterilock over traditional airlocks is this device uses nanotechnology to allow the CO2 to escape without letting contaminated air back in rather than using a water filled device. It also has a much lower profile to make it easier to store in cupboards etc whereas other airlocks can be quite large.

The Director of Sterilock (Richard) has sent me a sample Sterilock to use and review. Along with the Sterilock were two lids a metal one with an inner seal and a standard plastic screw top both with holes in the top centre fitted with rubber grommets ready for the Sterilock to be placed into. I also received a small filter which can be fitted to the Sterilock in order to prevent odors sometimes created when fermenting. Although, this is usually not a problem when fermenting food but I believe some beverages (like beers) can get pretty smelly so the filter would be handy for that situation.

Initially I was worried I wouldn't be able to find a jar to fit the lids but it seems the metal lid fits a standard Mason jar and so does the plastic screw top but I will need a larger jar than the smaller 250mil jam jars I currently have for the fermentation I like to do so I'll have to see if I can find some larger vessels that still fit the lids or failing that I'll just fit the Sterilock on one of my Fido fermentation jars.

Sterilock lids
Sterilock Airlock for fermentation of food

Sterilock filter
Sterilock Airlock for fermentation of food

Here is the fermentation guide I received with the Sterilock.
Sterilock Airlock for fermentation of food

Sterilock Airlock for fermentation of food
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