Self Sufficient Me . com Writer/Contributor Trial Proposal


Staff member
May 27, 2012
Bellmere, QLD
Hi Everyone,

I should state right from the beginning that I haven't had time to give this proposal a lot of thought (because I'm busy as hell) so please forgive the limited details and also understand that this formulation will likely change or be a "work in progress" depending on many factors.

Anyway, for the past 12 months, I've had an increasing amount of requests from "freelance writers" to write articles on my blog Self Sufficient Me - about 3 per week now.

Some of these writers are looking for payment/work ie will write for a fee; a small minority are looking to build a genuine portfolio to develop their writing careers; but, the majority are trying to post articles around the internet with the aim of inserting several sneaky affiliate links which they get paid for (but don't disclose) in order to either promote products for retail websites or simply give "Google juice" to websites wanting to get more traffic or authority in the online space. New retail websites or affiliate websites, in particular, try to get backlinks from respected Websites (like mine) in order to generate more traffic to them by rating higher in Google search results.

The problem is much of the content written by these "freelancers" is crap and because their motivation is to sell products or links, rather than inform or educate the reader, the end product is a bland cookie cutter post with basic information and the bare minimum flair needed to get the job done.

Personally, I actually love the idea of guest posts/articles on my Website because it gives my readers a more diverse and interesting collection of information rather than just my experience and viewpoint all the time.

And that's the other thing, with my blog, Youtube, and other commitments ramping up considerably over the past 2 years I'm finding it harder to pump out as many articles as I would like to our supporter base.

Therefore I'm looking for people who have a keen interest and preferably some experience in self-sufficiency (food gardening, keeping poultry and other animals, preserving, DIY, etc) to write the odd article for my Website.

My Proposal

Note: This is a trial and depending on participation or the deemed success of this trial it may be withdrawn at any time.

Basically, I'm offering to pay $50 $100 AU per article (there, I've doubled it!) with the following conditions:
  • Prefer the person to be a Gold Member here on SSC.
  • The article should be between 1000 - 1500 words (there is some flexibility here depending on the type of info and style of the post). For example, an original and well-designed infographic or a number of images each with a description might be worth 1000 words.
  • The article should be completely original work and contain at least one copyright-free image (more than one image is welcome).
  • The content needs to be relevant to the overall Website theme of Self Sufficient Me.
  • The article should not have links to affiliates but may contain links to the persons own website or social media or link to an information source in order to support the article eg linking to a news story or Wikipedia etc.
I should also make it clear that I'm not necessarily looking for immaculately written work. The most important thing to me is the information in the article with a genuinely authentic outlook and style. I will vet and edit the article anyway if needed to try and keep spelling or grammatical errors to a minimum - that's not a problem - so if writing is not your "strength" don't let this deter you because the subject matter and your opinion based on experience are what I'm mainly after.

I would love to get to a stage one day where we have a small pool of writers I trust who I can go to and request articles to be written on certain topics.

The number of articles would be one a fortnight at this point in time and may increase or cease depending on many factors but the least being my ability to afford it...

So, if you are interested at all in my proposal please use our Private Conversation feature here on SSC and send me a message to discuss further your role as a Self Sufficient Me Contributor.

Thank you :)
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I love this idea Mark. I know what you mean about cookie cutter articles, it can be so frustrating reading the same articles on multiple websites when you are trying to learn something.

I'm ridiculously busy currently, preparing to move to the other side of the country, but have a few ideas that I would like to write about once I get settled. I'll get in contact when I have some free time again.
There are numerous posts of mine for this SSC forum that would stand alone or by combining a few posts and distilling the info from a thread would make good contributions.
However, I have so much information to offer on any one subject it would go to much more than 1500words!! Lol. Which is why I like the format of this forum so I can add more info as the conversation goes on.

I have written specific articles previously for some horse magazines plus gardening and chook online ezines, along with contributions many years ago to Earth Garden, Grass Roots and Owner Builder mags.

Regarding the private conversation feature, I dont seem to get it right as both times I have used it, the message ended up on the front page of this forum. I must admit I have never read your blog mostly because if I spread myself too thinly there isn't enough time left for me in the day or night.

I understand what you mean about youtube taking your time. I see Rob Bob has had to streamline his presence due to time and other issues.
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Yes your contributions to our forum have been invaluable! Often plenty of reliable information in single posts and also grouped together in long threads. Lots of good reading material for people with the time to absorb the tips and experience you share.

Articles are different as you know from your own experience in magazine writing they often tend to be (and are required to be) shorter condensed stand-alone works targeted at a specific subject.

It's like me uploading long format videos as opposed to shorter more targeted versions. Some people really love the long vids with me waffling on about several different subjects but most people prefer shorter vids concentrating on singular issues with a little entertainment thrown in. That's just the way it is and it's the same for my Website.

Regarding the private conversation feature, I dont seem to get it right as both times I have used it, the message ended up on the front page of this forum.
If you create a private conversation it might present the same as a forum post on your device but it isn't public - only you and members in that conversation can read it.
No more takers?

I've doubled the offer to $100 AU please read my first post in this thread.

I'll give it until the end of this week and if no one is interested I will seek a professional writer elsewhere - I already have a few in mind but as I said above I'd prefer someone who has a genuine interest in self-sufficiency and would like an opportunity to write about it for fun and some spare cash :)
Mark, I did try to reply to your original offer but was trying to find a private message link.
Every message I send to someone ends up on the front page of the forum.
Could be my tablet doesn't display all available options of contact.
Unfortunately thats all I use nowadays.
No more takers?

I've doubled the offer to $100 AU please read my first post in this thread.

I'll give it until the end of this week and if no one is interested I will seek a professional writer elsewhere - I already have a few in mind but as I said above I'd prefer someone who has a genuine interest in self-sufficiency and would like an opportunity to write about it for fun and some spare cash :)

Mark, would love to participate in this. I have some experience in poultry, bees, and gardening, writing....I am also a draftsman so I would love to collaborate and draw up some of your plans for raised beds, chicken pens, etc, if you wish to share them on your blog. Anyway I can help... I really admire what you are doing. One stipulation though - you keep the stipend and apply it to upgrades, business costs, whatever. I wouldn't want any payment :) Thanks for the consideration!
Wow Mark
I believe you should get a great response with that offering! Should be very intriguing Club. If that is not grammar correctly sorry More power to you.
Hi Mark
I like the idea of having a section for paid writers or others that want to add short and succinct articles which could contain links payed or otherwise. Generally however these articles are self contained and often do not require comments as such but more of a discussion (Similar to your current Articles). That's why I said separate section (Articles (Paid or Paid in Kind)).
As soon as I get to premium I would use your articles section as a Project Section, I have two projects one building a raised garden bed, from building, filling, planting and then harvesting, or starting a chicken coop where the end would be collecting the eggs, one is about to start, It would be a diary for the project, I would start at a date and then keep adding to the diary with dated headings. The project would keep being added too but the discussion is separate to the article/project.
This is where I agree with ClissAt, some of her posts on the forum can be distilled into an article/project you would have a discussion rather than a 100 posting forum post. You would off course need to mediate so that the rules are adhered to no idea as to how that would be done.
anyway good luck with the section
As soon as I get to premium I would use your articles section as a Project Section,
Hi Tom, you do make a lot of good points and I did create an articles section hoping members would start creating their own interesting posts for information or just as projects for fun.

I've just upgraded your account to Premium but I've checked our article section and there seems to be some problem with the application so I will need to work on that issue before people can write - I'm not sure how long this has been broken but perhaps it's why not many people have been participating in it :)

Thanks for the feedback!
I wouldn't mind doing some articles or giving it a go anyway
I'll have a think about a subject from my experiences that might help
I know I'm late to the game, but this sounds right up my alley. I've been following your videos on YouTube for years Mark, as they're such an easy watch while learning a ton.

Hopefully in the future I can contribute as a writer, once I've met all the qualifications of course.
I know I'm late to the game, but this sounds right up my alley. I've been following your videos on YouTube for years Mark, as they're such an easy watch while learning a ton.

Hopefully in the future I can contribute as a writer, once I've met all the qualifications of course.
There are no rewards other than the idea that people enjoy your articles and that they learn from them at the moment but... Self Sufficient Culture is always looking for new articles! You might not be able to enter it until you become a Premium Member (you become this automatically after being an active member for a little bit). But until then you can always write them and/or ask me to upload them until you can yourself :D
^^ 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Not always Automatic ... hey @Mandy Onderwater
We figured out you didn't get promoted because you were a member before changes were made! Meaning other older members who hadn't fullfilled the previous requirements before the changeover couldn't get upgraded! This is something we sadly can't fix - but that's why manual upgrades can also be done. And new members should not run into this issue :)
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