Hi Mark, you JN8-48 guru you. Your manual you posted is brilliant. Thanks for all the hard work which obviously went into it. I have two question regarding this unit.
First is regarding humidity read out. I did a trial run for a week and it all went perfectly. And alas, as soon a I put eggs in the humidity read out was fine then the alarm went a few times (I think it may have been humidity alarm as temp is very steady). Anyway, third time we pressed the green button to cancel beeping, the humidity read out went to just a double dash. (--). Haven't been able to change it back to a read out. I have a thermometer in there which shows humidity so it's all good (45-51%). I tried to reset the humidity alarm but to no avail. Temp just went up while I was fiddling with read outs, so I'm hesitant to adjust it and leave well enough alone for the moment.
Second is the egg turning function. It's working (also worked perfectly during 7 day trial), however it does the rotate, but then immediately returns back the other way. Eeek, so they haven't rotated at all in 24 hrs. Any ideas as to why this would be happening. Wonder if I could turn it off half way through the rotate keep it there where it should be.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Why haven't I discovered this Forum before.
Awesome, going to explore - and turn my eggs manually.