No name 48 egg incubator (JN 848?) automatic turner not working

Jason McCarthy

Premium Member
Oct 6, 2015
Temperate (all seasons)
Hey folks - I just started trying out this incubator recently, and found this forum is the most active source of info for it. The motor for turning the egg trays is not attached correctly, so I'm currently turning the trays manually and holding them in place with a conveniently shaped kids toy. The humidity & temperature seem to be quite stable. Just looking for thoughts on how these parts are supposed to attach correctly to make the trays turn. Hopefully the pictures make the issue clear.


  • No name 48 egg incubator (JN 848?) automatic turner not working
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  • No name 48 egg incubator (JN 848?) automatic turner not working
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  • No name 48 egg incubator (JN 848?) automatic turner not working
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  • No name 48 egg incubator (JN 848?) automatic turner not working
    14 KB · Views: 828
Hey Jason, welcome mate!

Does the motor turn - like there's power to the motor?

It looks like the plastic connecting arm to the motor spindle is missing but I'm having trouble recalling how my old one looked but I'm sure the autoturn was very similar - I'll check some old images and footage I have of my JN-48 and see if I can tell then get back to you...

@Ben Jamin what model number is yours - is the tge JN - 848?
There are some differences between the two, but they are close enough that I would say I'm definitely missing a connecting piece that goes between the motor and the top piece of the trays. I've been mystified about how the pin from the motor could possibly turn the trays by putting it in the slot, now I see that there's an intermediate piece that would cause the side to side motion. I'm currently in contact with the ebay vendor I bought the incubator through, hopefully they can supply the missing piece. Thanks a lot Mark, this picture helps greatly.
Mine doesn't have individual egg holders, it's just 6 long trays. Each tray is connected by an arm running along. It looks a lot like mark's in the way that it has a long arm and a small driver arm connected to the motor.
Hey Jason,

I've made you a picture from a different perspective, you just need a little plastic lever like this:

No name 48 egg incubator (JN 848?) automatic turner not working

it would be easy to make one from wood or plastic (3D printer anybody? :-) and glue onto the motor

Are you sure it just did not fall off during transport?
Hey Jason,
What a bugger. I have 2 of those exact models. Mine came with a small pack with a spare rotator arm and a fuse. If you have no luck with the seller on ebay I would be happy to send you one of mine. Let me know and I'll post it to you.
Hi I don't have that arm part either does anyone know where I can get one I have searched and searched but cant seem to find one please help :(
Hi I don't have that arm part either does anyone know where I can get one I have searched and searched but cant seem to find one please help :(
Hi Maryann, try doing a Google search for "jn8-48 spare parts" as there are several websites selling parts for this incubator. Best of luck - let us know how you go!
Hey guys I have the same incubator, I want to put some duck eggs in but I can't for the life of me get the humidity up. Unfortunately it didn't come with a manual. ????! Help please
Hi Mark, you JN8-48 guru you. Your manual you posted is brilliant. Thanks for all the hard work which obviously went into it. I have two question regarding this unit.

First is regarding humidity read out. I did a trial run for a week and it all went perfectly. And alas, as soon a I put eggs in the humidity read out was fine then the alarm went a few times (I think it may have been humidity alarm as temp is very steady). Anyway, third time we pressed the green button to cancel beeping, the humidity read out went to just a double dash. (--). Haven't been able to change it back to a read out. I have a thermometer in there which shows humidity so it's all good (45-51%). I tried to reset the humidity alarm but to no avail. Temp just went up while I was fiddling with read outs, so I'm hesitant to adjust it and leave well enough alone for the moment.

Second is the egg turning function. It's working (also worked perfectly during 7 day trial), however it does the rotate, but then immediately returns back the other way. Eeek, so they haven't rotated at all in 24 hrs. Any ideas as to why this would be happening. Wonder if I could turn it off half way through the rotate keep it there where it should be.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Why haven't I discovered this Forum before.

Awesome, going to explore - and turn my eggs manually.

Yes tried both. Just turning by hand now and I have an extra thermometer (with hygrometer) inside to check humidity and temp. Temp is very stable. I think the turning issue maybe something not seated properly in the tray. Oh well don't want to fiddle with it now. Just grateful it's working again after the plug pin snapped off yesterday. It was all pulled apart by the electrician with plug replaced and transformer moved, if that didn't reset readout and oscillation issues it may need a bit more than turning off. LOL. Never mind all is good. I'll fiddle with it when I don't have a precious cargo on board. Third day today. Yayy.
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