My cat run build


Staff member
May 27, 2012
Bellmere, QLD
Here are some exclusive pics of our new cat run build! I thought I would post these here and start this discussion on cut runs or enclosures in advance of releasing a video (scroll down to post #6) I am working on - plus I'll probably write an article about the project.

To begin with, we've had cats before but since our last one died from natural causes about 6 years ago I had been reluctant to get another one particularly on our property for a number of reasons such as wildlife, pooping in our vegetable garden, and we're surrounded by large dogs.

Anyway, I got outvoted and eventually got a Russian Blue for the kids and wife. He's an adorable cat and really affectionate. Obviously, my caveat to getting a cat was that it would remain indoors only for the above reasons. However, we found that he (Geo) whilst quite satisfied at being an indoor cat he nevertheless spent a lot of time sitting on the window sill peering out and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

We tried taking him for walks outside with a cat harness... it never went well :)

So, at the end of the day, we decided to install a cat run to give our Geo a taste of fresh air and the outdoors.

There are a number of cat run enclosures or systems these days on the market to choose from netting, to steel, to autonomous enclosures that look more like chicken coops.

Basically, after much research and thought I purchased the run and cage (which came flat packed) from Betta Pet Systems in Melbourne. The full package included 16 x metres of cat run, a 2.4m high x 2m wide cat tower, a riser tower, and several accessories.

I installed the run under our back deck with the entry/exit pet door coming out from our downstairs gym cut into the sliding screen door. The actual main enclosure is situated in our shade garden with old wooden stairs as the base recycled from our front stairs reno.

The cat absolutely loves it out here and is spending most of the day out in the run/enclosure only coming in to eat and at night. We have a secondary kittie litter box outside for him which he also uses.

My cat run build
My cat run build My cat run build My cat run build My cat run build My cat run build My cat run build
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Interesting, looks like the cat will be able to patrol the area and keep an eye on everything. It probably feels like it's sneaking around going through all those pathways.

Can you strap the GoPro to it's back so we can get a "Walk Through" :popcorn:
What a great idea. I hate seeing indoor only cats I don't think they are ever happy but I can understand why people don't want their cats outside wandering the streets. I wonder if having a cat in a cat run would still deter mice just by having cat smell around. Don't mean that you cat run smells but mice would detect the mess of a cat at levels that human noses could not.
That is a mansion for you cat Mark & great to see you have thought of the cats welfare.
I love cats but haven't had one for many years now. I really doubt I could afford one now.
My last cat died of old age at just under 18yo in about 2000 I think.
She was a Persian that was frightened of lizards, but would attempt to stalk birds.
However, she was so heavy she couldn't get off the ground & never got within cooee of any bird that I saw her aim for.
She did bring in a mouse once! Goodness knows how she managed t get that one. Must've cornered it in the GP pen I think.
She used to help me clean the guinea pig house but was frightened of them a bit & used to sit on the top shelf & watch me.
GP's love to live high too!
I miss her but not all the hair that I had to brush daily both from her coat & from the furniture!
Russians are renowned for hunting so just be careful he doesn't escape.
In my late teens I had a Rusky called Bzzz.
Make sure yours can get daily sun as that will help with flea control & makes the cat feel all warm & loved! :)
I think that is a pretty nice build! Most people I know would just let their cats run around wild and hope for the best. But this way everyone wins. Good job.
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