muckin around pix

Good texture in the moon shot. It is all about a steady hand and the right exposure settings for the shot. Auto settings will overexpose that kind of a scene because the camera thinks the sky is too dark, so reduce the exposure yourself and have a shutter speed that is at the most 1/250 secs.
train tunnel selfie... last Friday
muckin around pix
yeah it's ok when you're a kid, you bounce better and don't get hurt, but when you get old there's a price to pay.

It's always challenging shooting waterski stuff, but I keep going back, maybe one day i'll get it right :pic:
Here's one from last Sunday. I have a filter on the lens that has a heavy tint, you can't really see through it when you look. So you can put the filter on a expose for maybe seconds during sunlight and capture/blur things moving. This is not a great example of things moving but you get the idea. The water and waves moving up the beach blur and create a little bit of a smokey look. This would be better with bigger water movement and some clouds sweeping towards the camera. No clouds this day though!

muckin around pix
I went to Boggo Road Prison last night trying out a new wide angle lens, great place to do some photos. Instead of plastering them all here i'll just stick a link here. I haven't really written much of a blog post yet.. just photos.... There's no advertising popup stuff so it's safe.

sample image, I like this one....
muckin around pix
yeah Mark, inside the cell buildings was really hot, so besides being locked in a small cell you'd be really hot in summer and probably freezing in winter, and if you made any noise it'd carry through the whole place so I imagine it would have been pretty noisy. Not very pleasant.

I think the prison is closing to visitors for a while, supposed to be some changes coming like a bit of redevelopment with some walls coming down and a café. It might be a shame to wreck some of it but I guess that's a way of bringing money to the area.
Enjoyed the photos. I've been meaning to go their, sounds like I may be too late.
Took me a little while to work out what I was looking at. LOL. They're shots of a keyboard right?
Very artistic indeed. :thumbsup::pic:
Yes Steve, very perceptive of you!

I was sitting here with my camera at my computer desk messing around with the settings one night & getting frustrated that my $1000+ Sony camera was holding out on me. I just started clicking everytime I moved a dial or clicked a drop down menu.
Then I saw that even though it was blinking that everything was apparently set wrong, I was creating these amazing images.
Not only that, but the colours were wild! So I kept doing it & by tilting the camera at an angle to the 'subject' I got these amazing colours. I think it must have been some sort of reaction of the camera chip to the wave length, hertz or angular momentum of the screen light from the computer.

I ended up with around 50 shots all different. I can list the picture properties if it is of interest to you.

Great images for large art canvases on huge walls maybe?
I went along to the Airshow at Caboolture Airfield a few weeks ago. It was the War Birds Show.

The idea when shooting propped planes is to use a slow shutter speed to make sure the propeller is blurred. They call it Prop Blur. It's quite difficult to get sharp focus on the moving plane while set on a slow shutter speed....

muckin around pix

muckin around pix

muckin around pix

muckin around pix

muckin around pix
Very well done Steve, great shots :thumbsup:

ps, can I please send those photos to my dear elderly friend who has flown small aircraft for many years but the cost is now becoming too great.
He would love to see such wonderful shots. Whether he made it to that show I don't know.
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