More Winter


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Oct 12, 2020
Cold, Cool, Mountains, or Artic
Happily it warmed up today...about -17C at the high this afternoon. It was a nice, mostly sunny day with some thin cloud. I was out to the country and remembered to bring the camera along. One of the primary reasons was stopping at a neighbour's to pick up our 1/4 beef (grass-fed Angus, cut and wrapped) which worked out to be 180 lbs this year. A couple miles from her place I saw a herd of 7 whitetail deer. To get the beef in the freezer in the country relatively easily also required moving snow again...sigh. More is predicted tonight and tomorrow with more later in the week...sigh. Here are some photos from my day.

More Winter

The posts for the decrepit snow fence are about 5' tall.

More Winter

Afternoon moon.

More Winter

Some drifting....

More Winter

The feeder in the foreground is in the range of 6' tall...I have to reach up to fill it normally. Peekaboo I see you...I also scared up a snowshoe hare.

More Winter

Run away! For those who aren't familiar, these hares are the size of a small to medium dog. I've seen tracks where their stride is about 6' (2m).

More Winter

I believe those wire walls for the compost are 30" tall...this is where one of those kitchen scrap reducers could be useful as we have difficulty dealing with them by late winter.

More Winter

Twilight moon after getting home.
That is absolutely beautiful. I absolutely love snow and definitely miss it now that I live in the sub-tropics...
It does make us all wait on the edge of our seat as I'd love to see what you're going to do with the land :D
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