Is this Cancer?


Apr 4, 2020
Temperate (all seasons)
This is kinda gross.. But I am freaking out and can't get any medical help right now. But there is a bulg coming out of my backside. No other symptoms. Any suggestions?
Yep, don't ask a gardening forum for medical advice.
This is kinda gross.. But I am freaking out and can't get any medical help right now. But there is a bulg coming out of my backside. No other symptoms. Any suggestions?
Could be any number of things....that is why it is not a good idea to ask for medical advice on the internet. Having said that it could simply be a hemorrhoid, which are quite common, or a prolapsing internal hemorrhoid. Try googling hemorrhoid for more research, but I would suggest you get it checked by a medical professional just to be sure.
There are telenurses and medical hot lines to call everywhere.
This is kinda gross..
You joined our forum on the day you posted this message and haven't logged in since to at least acknowledge people who have replied to your post so this was either a joke or you have indeed gone to the hospital and are hopefully admitted and recovering from your ailment.

Regardless, I agree with others here that these types of concerning medical conditions can't be answered in forums (that's my personal opinion) the appropriate course of action is always to visit your doctor or medical centre.

This part of our forum is meant to discuss general health and wellbeing such as healthy lifestyle and mental wellness from a self-sufficiency perspective it was never meant to be a tool or Q&A service for diagnosing medical conditions.
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