I got a new motor - Toro Timecutter 4200 TF


Staff member
May 27, 2012
Bellmere, QLD
I replaced my old Toro with a new one but this time she has a fabricated deck... BTW I noticed eBay has some good prices for this mower even with freight taken into consideration. If this link is no good then just do a search for Toro Timecutter 4200 TF I would definitely recommend the fab deck though as my last pressed deck ended up pretty smashed after 5 years.
I got a new motor - Toro Timecutter 4200 TF

:Beautiful thing:
I got a new motor - Toro Timecutter 4200 TF
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I was just looking at your first post on this Toro the other day and was thinking I'd like to see one in action. Well what do ya know...here it is! (good mind-reading)

Good video Mark. Looks like a solid piece of kit.
I don't have any need for a mower this big but may do one day and its all good info to have.
And I love the reference to driving an APC. Excellent!

Now you got me interested, Mark. just spotted this by virtue of the video posted on your blog.
I'm in the market for a ride-on - not sure which one to get - don't know much about them.
So your recommendation comes well regarded even before doing the research.
What do you look for in a mower for a small scale acreage property apart from durability and manoeuvrability?
What would lean yourself towards this Toro as opposed to say a John Deere or even a multipurpose tractor like a BX series Kubota.
Would you find use of the accessories such as the front loader boom, curved boom and mechanical thumb of the BX25 or do those not cross over with mowers?
What do you look for in a mower for a small scale acreage property apart from durability and manoeuvrability?
Well, durability and manoeuvrability are extremely important and that's why you see lots of council guys driving around in Toros because they are a good brand of mower that tend to last and that's what you want for a small acreage also - commercial quality. However, here are a few more things to consider:
  • Motor - Some brands of ride-on mowers have different branded motors and also motors with different sizes. For example, my Toro has a Kawasaki 23 hp motor but you can also get the same sized 42" deck Toro with a Toro motor or a lower 16 hp. Personally, I would go with the largest motor you can afford and a good brand like Honda or Kawasaki - I'm not sure on how good the Toro motors are they might be good - haven't used one... However, the reason I say go big is because there are times when you'll be glad you had the extra power to get over sloshy ground or mow longer damp grass etc. My first ride-on was a second hand Rover and was a tedious thing to use once the grass got more than a few inches high it was slow going otherwise the mower would simply stop. My second mower was a new Toro but it had a 14.5 or 16 hp motor it was good although there were times when I got really annoyed with it's lack of grunt when cutting long grass down the back after the wet seasons growth. This latest has a 23 hp motor and the difference is striking - much more powerful, time saving, and versatile.
  • Deck size - I have a 42 inch deck and I could have gotten a 48" or perhaps even bigger but I found 42" a good compromise as small enough to mow around the house plus big enough to get over paddocks or large areas fast enough. Just a few inches in size also gets surprisingly more costly BTW... I know a friend who had to drop deck size on his Toro from 42" down to a 34" because he said the extra time he saved in cutting width wasn't worth the time he lost in manoeuvrability (he's a landscaper for mostly smaller properties). As a rough guide I would suggest up to 3 or 4 acres 42" or under and over 4 acres a 48 or 50+. However, it does depend on the type of acreage also such as small house flat big paddocks with no trees you could get away with a larger deck or the same sized acreage with landscaping, orchard, big house, smaller open grassed areas then a smaller deck is appropriate.
  • Deck type - I wish I knew more about pressed and fabricated decks several years ago because I probably would have gotten more years out of my last Toro. If you are only mowing manicured lawn then save money and get a pressed deck but if you are mowing undulating ground, around trees, over rocks, near edges, then do yourself a favour and get a fabricated deck!
  • Tractor vs zero turn - This is mainly personal choice IMHO and I don't consider one to be better than the other. I liek zero turn because I have 100+ trees on my property to mow around and my tractor mower was just too cumbersome for this purpose.
What would lean yourself towards this Toro as opposed to say a John Deere or even a multipurpose tractor like a BX series Kubota.

I have limited experience with different brands of mowers Rover - Toro - Toro is my limit so far. Some people say the zero turn mowers don't cut as neatly as the tractor types. I've heard people warn against zero turn mowers because of the steering mechanism wearing out since it acts as brake, turning, going, etc. I've never had a problem with my Toros except for a smashed up pressed deck after 5 years and instead of replacing the deck (which would cost a heap) I just upgraded the mower.

I would imagine all of the top brands of mowers to be good quality. The only reason I went with Toro is because my best mate owns https://www.mowerplace.com.au/ and he knows everything there is to know about mowers and told me he wouldn't sell a mate any other brand of ride-on so I trusted his judgement. Having said that, I'm sure those other top brands of ride-on mowers like John Deere, Greenfield, Husqvarna, and many more are very good also.

Would you find use of the accessories such as the front loader boom, curved boom and mechanical thumb of the BX25 or do those not cross over with mowers?

In regards to accessories, how often will you use these things? Unless, you're intending to use these extra attachments quite often like post hole diggers, front loader, etc it might be a waste and may be much cheaper to hire this equipment as required rather than A - buying a tractor which can fit and run the equipment and B - maintaining all this extra stuff. I have only ever needed to hire a digger or mini loader a few times in the past 10 years here on our property.

A mower trailer is a handy accessory to have though...

P.S If any member of our forum is considering buying any outdoors equipment like mowers, chainsaws, brushcutters etc I'll be happy to refer you to my mate Brian (owner of The Mower Place) (and also Generator Place) to see if he can give you a good discount - no promises, but it's possible we could wangle an attractive deal for you to compare with other retailers. He also will freight out of Brisbane (even interstate) so just let me know via private conversation and I'll send your details to him.

I get no kickbacks for sales...
If any member of our forum is considering buying any outdoors equipment like mowers, chainsaws, brushcutters etc I'll be happy to refer you to my mate Brian (owner of The Mower Place) (and also Generator Place) to see if he can give you a good discount - no promises, but it's possible we could wangle an attractive deal for you to compare with other retailers. He also will freight out of Brisbane (even interstate) so just let me know via private conversation and I'll send your details to him.

I shall be in touch soon. ;)
Well Mark, just as an update, I have landed myself a deal on a ride on that I will share in a new thread in this section. It may not help others looking other than to consider calling and looking through local repair shops for serendipitous deals on second hand or traded in mowers.
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