How to make an organic lime cordial from home grown fruit


Staff member
May 27, 2012
Bellmere, QLD
Hi all, in my latest VLog I describe how I make lime cordial from an excess of limes grown completely organically. There are other things going on in the video but the lime squeezing is around the middle.

Will watch it later with hubby. We have a chromecast so we cast you mug up onto our 58" Tv :D

By the way I didn't know limes can be yellow.
Will watch it later with hubby. We have a chromecast so we cast you mug up onto our 58" Tv :D

By the way I didn't know limes can be yellow.
Oh no... my dial on the big screen would be awful :p

Yes limes go yellow when they fully ripen but they are best eaten semi ripe when green as we know...
Actually have to confess, never had a lime. Thought they were much the same as lemons. I'll have to look into what the difference is.
Mark specifically waited for you to tell us what the juicer was, looking at getting a new one as mine was attached to a food processor which I donated to the op shop on a big clean out... duh !!, forget I was using it for juicing, just knew I wasn't chopping veg or using the blender as I had a better one. Hoping you remember the brand.
I also had no idea that limes were yellow when they ripened all the way. Why are they better when green? Stronger taste? More juice?
I also had no idea that limes were yellow when they ripened all the way. Why are they better when green? Stronger taste? More juice?
Yes the taste is sharper and as the ripen fully they actually get juicer but this kind of dispurses the intensity of flavour.
Actually have to confess, never had a lime. Thought they were much the same as lemons. I'll have to look into what the difference is.
.. limes are going to take over your life! They ARE the new lemon.
To be honest limes have got to be my favourite citrus fruit, they are extremely versatile, plus they go in your corona! But they cant be used for curries or sweets, dressings and drinks. What more could you want. :)
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