Sorry to hear about your horrible fox encounter
@Elle 's Belles it's an awful experience and sadly most of us chicken keepers have been hit by a fox or two in the past. I learnt the hard way after several attacks and failed fences...
You can be forgiven for not thinking a fox could jump or climb a 1.8 m fence because that's pretty damn high for such a relatively small k9 but it's true they will get over a dog fence under 2 metres.
I hope this doesn't put you off from keeping chickens again but it certainly is a distressing thing to happen and not easy to get over.
The pros say the best fox fence is 2 meters straight then a 2 feet angled mesh (facing out) on top of that. Then, a run of electric ribbons attached about 3 feet and down to the bottom. However, my skirt works really well
here's the link to my video and the discussion here on SSC.
I use a three cordon method to keep my poultry safe (blame it on my military training) boundary fence, dog proof free-range area, and fox proof pen... whereby I have my outer boundary fence which doesn't keep a whole lot out but it does keep my dog in and does deter other k9s, then I have a free-ranging area protected by a 1.7m high dog fence which is dig proof - (foxes don't normally try scaling fences through the daylight), and central to the free-ranging area is my fox proof pen 3m high chicken wire with a wire skirt. Also, I'm currently building a run coming off my chook house which will be contained within the pen and be totally enclosed. This will be my 4th line of defence and further protect my birds from snakes and goannas.
As extreme is the above method of keeping foxes out might seem we've never had a fox attack since and this has given me peace of mind and I know the hens are happier too because they know they're pretty safe.