Cherry success?


New Member
Sep 2, 2024
Hey there! I am located in Brisbane and have put in a heap of fruit trees since buying my first home. I have always wanted a cherry tree but unsure how they do here. I know that the new varieties such as “minnie royal” might work. Has anyone had success with these? Have they had decent fruit set? Thanks :)
I haven't really grown any trees myself yet, but Mark lives near Brisbane (off the top of my head 4hrs North, so not that near I suppose). But I do think you should be able to grow most anything Mark does :)
Have you seen his recent garden tour?

i saw an ad for them some time ago but sadly cant try them here in northeast usa because gets too cold. Did a little digging around for you and it is one that only needs a few days near freezing temps to trigger it to bloom. Supposedly from what i have read they are suitable to grow anywhere in australia. Traits mention they produce smaller cherries but also the pits are smaller so actually end up with more cherry flesh, they do sounds interesting if you give them a go i'd love to see how they do.
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