Chicken coop is assembled & in place. I have some fencing to do next weekend. I'm going to give them a run all the way around the fence line so I don't have to weed it & let them into the rest of the garden under supervision so they don't eat things to the point it won't grow back!
Have you heard about the deep litter system that you can use with Chickens Andrew? You'd fill their run with wood chip mulch and just throw all your scraps and garden goodies in there for them, it keeps it from smelling too much, and drying out and also flooding. After 6 months or so you can dig up and sieve some beautiful compost to use in your potting shed or garden. Might work well there?
The hive came up good with some oil & paint. Would be nicer if the finish was more consistent, but the various wood components are from different batches I assume, so stains differently. I need to figure out where to put it now. I have a lot of ants around that i'm worried about, so I'm thinking I may surround it with a pond/stream so it's isolated on it's own little island.
That looks awesome!! The only drawback with flowhives that I have heard about is if the honey candies while in the hive, then you need to take out the affected frames and work out how to get the honey out of them without breaking them. I thought it would be a good idea to have a few spares on hand for such an occurence. We have canola planted around us and someone has put hives out in the paddock, it would be interesting to know how they go with candied honey!!
Fruit trees are flowering. It's been raining, so no frost for the last week, but it's something i'll need to keep an eye on for the next month or so.
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I have a heap of planting to do to increase plant diversity, but already the beneficial insects are moving in. I have dozens of hoverfriends flying about
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