After chat from the livestream just now...

Wow! Thanks for the premium! Not sure exactly what is for but thanks.
Here is a link to what premium means.
If that's the case we'll definitely keep you in mind if more help is needed! A lot of this is still trial and error for all of us as well. Suggestions are always welcome!
I can provide info about the other garden channels that I assist/moderate but I am not sure if it is OK to mention them here.
I absorb info from a large number of gardening sources and try to give back as I am able.
Wow! Thanks for the premium! Not sure exactly what is for but thanks.
Here is a link to what premium means.
LOL... we had the same idea...
Time to go !
Had a long gardening day and still need to clean up.

Thanks to all !
I am new to this forum thing. Excellent live stream today! I am glad I got to watch. After a recent diagnosis of lyme disease my garden has been neglected. The live stream energized me enough to go for a stroll down and see what's happening in my vegetable garden. It looks a little sad at the moment but I feel inspired and will get it back in shape.
Thank you!
I am new to this forum thing. Excellent live stream today! I am glad I got to watch. After a recent diagnosis of lyme disease my garden has been neglected. The live stream energized me enough to go for a stroll down and see what's happening in my vegetable garden. It looks a little sad at the moment but I feel inspired and will get it back in shape.
Thank you!
I'm sorry for your diagnosis. Glad to have you here with us either way! Your garden would love for you to come back, but think of yourself first. And you're always welcome here!
G'day Everyone, in the absence of a "chat" a proper chat feature we can have a bit of a chin wag here if you like? Of course, if you have specific questions on certain subjects then post them in the appropriate forums but for general stuff we can ramble here... :)
Hi Mark and thank you for letting us know about this forum. We follow you on you tube and Facebook and are pleased to join this community.
Hi Mark :wave:from the Hunter Valley NSW. It was a great live stream today and thank you for all the work you do putting great content up for us all to learn and enjoy.
Hi Jlea! Thank you and thanks for joining us here :)
G'day Everyone, in the absence of a "chat" a proper chat feature we can have a bit of a chin wag here if you like? Of course, if you have specific questions on certain subjects then post them in the appropriate forums but for general stuff we can ramble here... :)
You have a global reach, Mate !! I am happy to see others tuning in on your live streams and in the forum, especially my fellow Texans! If you have any Jaboticabas and Eugenias, I would love to see them in a future fruit tree tour.

I hope your leg injury mends quickly and completely. Keep up your great work - it is inspirational !!
P J, the Dirt Diva
You have a global reach, Mate !! I am happy to see others tuning in on your live streams and in the forum, especially my fellow Texans! If you have any Jaboticabas and Eugenias, I would love to see them in a future fruit tree tour.

I hope your leg injury mends quickly and completely. Keep up your great work - it is inspirational !!
P J, the Dirt Diva

He does have global reach! I personally think it's amazing, really!
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