
Mushies Of All Soers

A range of Oyster Mushrooms

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Trying to get the most out of waste streams. Most food is produced as energy goes up the food chain, this is making use of the otherside, the decomposition phase.
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That’s awesome. Do you spend much on buying the mycelium or do you make it all yourself?
That’s awesome. Do you spend much on buying the mycelium or do you make it all yourself?
I share te hobby with 2 other guys I work with, we have each bought mycellium once or twice and share it out, from there we just keep expanding it. Try and keep a little in a bottle in the fridge in case we get some infection which happens a bit. Ocassionally buy a new type or strain, just to experiment, but it is not necessary. Best trick I find is when a batch is almost spent, just mix it in to new substrate and it starts all over again, ever expanding.

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