Powdery Mildew, Time to Spray


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Sep 27, 2015
Pomona, Qld
Powdery Mildew is a fungal disease that appears like baby powder sprinkled over the upper sides of the mature leaves of zucchini, squash, cucumber, pumpkin, melon leaves.
The best organic spray is milk at 9parts water 1part full cream milk. Has to be animal milk and preferably full cream so it sticks a bit. It's the proteins in the milk that do the work.

It works when the milk goes off on the leaves killing the fungal spores.

Always spray the underside of leaves because that's where the fungal spores live. They bore into the leaf which makes them appear like they are sitting on the top side.
But it's the fruiting bodies you can see on the top side of the leaves.

Preventative spraying of new leaves and stems will kill the spores before they get their roots into the flesh of the new leaves and begin fruiting. Start spraying your young plants when they have 3-4 full sized leaves. Always concentrate on the new growing points in the middle of the plant.

Try not to spray the flowers because the cream sets the pollen so the bees can't do their work.
Also, you need to respray after heavy rain or overhead watering.
Actually you should avoid overhead watering at all costs on these plants as that is the easiest way to get powdery mildew on your crops.
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