Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)


It’s origin isn’t exactly to pinpoint but is believed to be the pacific Isles. Today it’s cultivated all around the world in tropical and subtropical climate. Ginger from Jamaica is the most imported type to the West and has a strong flavor and aroma. Ginger from Nigeria for example is almost flavorless but the most spicy and the hottest variety.
Its use in India and China has been known from ancient times, and by the 1st century CE traders had taken ginger into the Mediterranean region. By the 11th century it was well known in England. The Spaniards brought it to the West Indies and Mexico soon after the conquest, and by 1547 ginger was being exported from Santiago to Spain.
Today it’s almost always used as a distinctive spice in many a dish. People who don’t like it’s taste will taste even the smallest amount because of it being so distinct.
The Latin word “Zingiber” has it’s origins in the Sanskrit word “sringavera” which translates to “with antlers endowed”.

Appearance of the plant:
The leafy stems of ginger grow about 0,5-1,5 m high. The leaves are 15 to 30 cm long, elongate, alternate in two vertical rows, and arise from sheaths en-wrapping the stem. The flowers are in dense cone like spikes about 2,5 cm thick and 5-8 cm long that are composed of overlapping green bracts, which may be edged with yellow. Each bract encloses a single small yellow-green and purple flower.

Soil and location:
Ginger needs minimum temperatures above 15°C even better 20 °C and loves part-shade/sunny places. It really thrives in thick rich soil and humus, which also drains well.
Too wet soil leads to the rhizomes rotting. Soil and water should consist of least (almost none) lime/chalk

Ginger is propagated by planting root stalk cuttings and has been under this type of cultivation for so long that it no longer goes to seed. Harvesting is done simply by lifting the rhizomes from the soil, cleansing them, and drying them in the sun. The dried ginger rhizomes are irregular in shape, branched or palmate. Their color varies from dark yellow through light brown to pale buff. Ginger may be unscraped, partly scraped, or scraped or peeled.

Medical effective components:
Ginger contains more than 400 medical effective components such as gingerole, shogaole and zingeron.
It has really strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties.

It really helps with sore throats, stomach pain and other gastric problems as well as fever, high blood pressure, cramps and morning sickness during pregnancy. It’s also said to help battle tumors, Alzheimer's,
multiple sclerosis, diabetes, arthritis and arthrosis.

Ginger tea:
It’s recommended to pestle the dried ginger into a powder before brewing. The maximum daily dose should be no more than 4g. Use boiling water and let sit for about 10 min, then strain.
You can also use fresh ginger, best with it’s peel. 10g fresh ginger equals 2g dried ginger.

Ginger infused tea/water:
For this one use fresh ginger in very thin slices up to 10g on 1L of whichever fluid. Let sit for at least 4h (better 24h). The longer it sits, the more effective components can dispense into the liquid.
In a glass pitcher together with ice cubes, mint leaves and slices of lemon or cucumber it tastes good but also looks good as well.

Ginger cordial/liquor:

100g fresh ginger peeled, small dices
50g walnuts
250g brown rock sugar
1 vanilla bean cut the long side, scratch the inside
500ml Vodka or white Rum put everything together in a big bottle, give a good shake
100ml apricot-schnapps (hard liquor) let sit for minimum 2 weeks (betterlonger for more aroma), then strain into bottles as wished-> ready to be served

Be careful if you get heartburn easily or have a real sensitive stomach. Some people get relieve from taking ginger with those symptoms but others get it worse after. Maybe try a small amount and see what happens.
Be really careful if you’re taking any type of anticoagulants (medicine that makes your blood thinner). Ginger has blood thinning properties and too thin blood results in hematoma and if not treated to inner

Ginger is one of these typical medical plants that are in use for thousands of years yet the western academical medicine is reluctant to give credit for.
For Example: It has been used since the beginning to relieve pain and sickness during pregnancy but western doctors will always tell you to take some chemical pills instead of ginger, some of those pills are known that they likely can harm the fetus or developing child.
But there are more and more doctors, mostly homeopaths and naturopaths, who can be asked as well.

As always: Please be considerate and use common sense when using or handling Ginger for whatever reason.